If you are looking for a traffic network that gives you full control over your pop campaigns, RTX Platform Pops is a great choice. RTX Platform, formerly
50onRed, has been around for a while and has been one of the most talked about pop ad providers.
Their initial traffic offerings are Search and Pops, but they eventually dropped Search and added Push Notification and Native Advertisements.
RTX Platform Pops Features
Platform & Device TargetingSimilar to other pop traffic providers, RTX enables you to choose the device, mobile device models, operating system, browsers, connection types, and mobile service providers.
Category TargetingYou are required to choose a category (which cannot be changed later) so that your offer will be delivered to audiences that are viewing related websites. This can be useful if you have no keyword targets in mind and would like to use RON (run of network) traffic.
Conversion BoostThis is RTXPlatform’s automated optimization tool. There are three types of quality tiers: low, medium and high. The High Quality Tier is said to give you up to ten times possibility of conversion but is also more expensive by 4 to 5 times than the Low Quality Tier. The Middle Quality Tier is 2 to 3 times more expensive than the Low Quality Tier but is said to increase conversion by three.
To make this work, though, you would need to set up conversion tracking within the platform.
Keyword & Domain Targeting
The most prominent feature of RTX Platform Pops is that it allows you to add keyword targets to laser focus your campaigns. Not all pop traffic source providers have this feature. The following are its targeting options:
Domain TargetsThis is the best way to target root domains (sample.com) and subdomains (blog.sample.com). Domain targeting uses exact match, so, for instance, you are targeting sample.com, the traffic you receive will be from people viewing sample.com only.
URL TargetsURL targets allow you to target your audience based on full URLs, a portion of URLs, or words that are contained in a URL. URL targeting is broadly matched by default, so the phrase you use would match any URL that has these words in no particular order. In order to make your target exact match, you can place quotes around the URL target. You can also target based on the order of the words by placing them in a bracket.
URL + Page ContentThis targeting style offers a combination of URL and page contents. This means even if your keywords are not included in the URL, your ad can still pop up if the contents of the page include them. Like URL targeting, this option allows for broad match, exact match, and in-order keyword match.
Search QueryIf you want your ad to pop up on pages that have “buying intent”, you can use Search Query targeting so your ad shows up on the results page of search engines. Similar to the previous two targeting types, you can also use broad, exact and in-order keyword matching.
RTX Tracking Tokens
RTX has tokens that you can use to track and optimize your campaigns. Here is a complete list you can use for RTX pops:
Tracking Token | Token Description |
{bid} | The price you paid for the CPV impression |
{target} | The name of the target that received the impression |
{target_id} | The ID of the target that received the impression |
{domain} | The root or subdomain of the URL that received the click or impression |
{creative_id} | The ID of the creative that received the click or impression |
{campaign_id} | The ID of the campaign that received the click or impression |
{channel} | The traffic channel that served the impression |
{click_id} | The unique identifier when a server-to-server conversion |
{country} | The country the impression came from, or where the user is located |
{device} | The device the click or impression came from |
{os} | The operating system the impression came from |
{browser} | The browser the impression came from |
{connection} | The connection type of the user |
{carrier} | The mobile carrier of the user |
{device_model} | The mobile device model of the user |
{ip} | The IP of the user who was served the impression |
{url} | · The full URL of the page that served your ad |
{target_type} | - The type of Pops target that received the impression |
{subid} | · The sub-ID of the traffic source that served your ad |
RTX Platform Funding
There are several ways to fund your account, and these are:
- Credit or debit card
- Wire transfer
- Bitcoin
Whichever funding option you choose, the
RTX Platform minimum deposit is $500 for first-time payments and $100 for future payments.
If you search for an RTX platform review, you will find that people generally like using RTX and have seen their campaigns succeed. For those looking for more control over where their pop ads show up, RTX Platform is indeed a great choice.
Make sure to check out the PPV discussions on affLIFT about RTX Platform pop traffic!