5 Ways to Write the Perfect LinkedIn Proposal

Published on January 18, 2024 Share


When I composed my initial LinkedIn recommendation, I found myself staring at the screen, unsure of what to include or how to phrase it. The process involved making incremental progress, followed by deleting and rethinking. Pressing the Send button took me a considerable amount of time; I simply lacked clarity on what a LinkedIn recommendation should entail.

Fast forward to today, where, in my role as the Operations and Editorial Director at a writing company, I've authored numerous recommendations for writers, editors, account managers, and clients. Surprisingly, I've discovered a straightforward, foolproof formula for crafting LinkedIn recommendations that consistently delivers. This formula ensures each recommendation is unique and requires only a few minutes to compose.

In this article, I'll unveil this five-step formula, enhanced with the efficiency of AI to expedite the process. Additionally, I'll provide fundamental writing tips to make your recommendations stand out, complemented by ample examples for reference.

Five easy steps to writing a recommendation on LinkedIn

To consistently create a stellar LinkedIn recommendation, adhere to these five stages. I suggest using a bullet point for each at first, and you may use Wordtune or another program to organize everything. 

  1. Make a powerful statement at the outset that includes their job title. 
  2. Describe the nature of your working relationship. How long and in what role you collaborated?
  3. Give one example of your professional attribute. How did they perform so well at work?
  4. Tell about one personal characteristic. What appealed to you the most about them? 
  5. Conclude with a request for others to get in touch. 

Crafting a LinkedIn Recommendation in Five Easy Steps

Here are five steps to consistently compose an excellent LinkedIn recommendation:

  1. Start with a strong declaration that includes their job title.
  2. Explain your professional relationship. How long you worked together and in what capacity.
  3. Share one professional trait. How did they excel at their job?
  4. Share one personal trait. What about them did you like most?
  5. End with a call to action that encourages others to reach out.

Consider starting with bullet points for each step, and then utilize a tool like Wordtune to refine your message.

By thoroughly analyzing each step, you will also find other suggestions and illustrations below.

1. Initiate with a compelling statement (description + job title).

Let's begin with a clear and straightforward statement that mentions the individual's work title and employment status. 

You can adhere to the standard structure of their name, one or two descriptive words, and their work designation:

  1. Michael is an excellent customer service representative.
  2. Aditi is a skilled and enthusiastic product designer. 

Alternatively, you can explore more imaginative options: 

  1. Muhammed was a captivating leader and a very innovative product designer.

Suggestion: Take a look at the list of adjectives in the tips below for ideas.

2. Describe your professional connection (evidence of credibility)

Afterwards, describe your professional connection. Who was this individual to you: a coworker, your supervisor, a staff member? Also include the duration of your collaboration. 

This provides "social proof": it explains to the reader why they should have confidence in your advice. 

You can make it quite straightforward:

  1. I worked under his supervision for a period of two years at Acme. 
  2. We collaborated on a significant and intricate project for a duration of two years.
  3. They were part of my team for a duration of three years.

Alternatively, you can add flavor by explaining their actions and methods (use those descriptive words!).

  1. Throughout the two years we collaborated, she supervised the daily activities of our team with care and empathy.
  2. Upon joining our team four years ago, they demonstrated themselves to be a dedicated and enthusiastic seller, who always embraced challenges. 

3. Share a characteristic that makes them suitable for the job

Now, we will explain the recommendee's proficiency in their work and the qualities that make them a valuable candidate for recruiting. 

There are several methods to tackle this. An option that many people choose is to describe how your colleague handled challenges or difficulties. As an illustration:

  1. Sanjay faced every challenge we faced with calmness and a positive attitude. He frequently provided a rational and positive perspective when we encountered a significant obstacle. 

You can also share a particular achievement. This is effective because it provides the reader with something tangible to consider: 

  1. Alyssa worked with all the parties involved to ensure everyone was on the same page when we had difficulty consistently meeting one of our client's requirements. She changed the situation, and now that client is one of our most vocal supporters.

Lastly, explain what sets them apart in terms of their job performance. Take note of a certain attribute or ability and the resulting capability it provided.

  1. Benjamin's meticulousness and creative problem-solving consistently result in enhancements to the team's workflow, promoting efficiency and productivity.
  2. Alice's extensive industry expertise and proactive attitude make her a valuable resource, consistently improving the quality of work done by the entire department.

4. Share a characteristic (reason to retain them)

This assists prospective employers in comprehending the contributions your colleague can make to a team and how well they will integrate into the company's culture. 

Moreover, it is one of the most effective methods to incorporate a personal element into your proposal. You can discuss the personality attribute that you admire the most in them. It might be their sense of humor, their relaxed demeanor, their taste in music — whatever facilitated a personal connection. 

Here are a few instances:

  1. In addition, Naomi was unbeatable as the team DJ on Fridays. Her music selections? Really impressive!
  2. We will certainly miss Jack's unpredictable pitch on the business baseball team. 
  3. Robin served as our informal referee. They always know how to remain calm and find a solution.

5. Conclude with a suggestion (request for action)

Lastly, conclude with a statement or request for action. As an illustration: 

  1. Sofia would be a great asset to any squad. 
  2. I anticipate collaborating with Jun once more and would strongly suggest considering him for employment. 
  3. Work environments require individuals like Raj, who regularly exceeded expectations.
  4. If you get the chance to work with Priya, don't miss out. 

5 simple suggestions for crafting impressive LinkedIn endorsements

These suggestions will assist in making your advice appear polished, considerate, authentic, and well-informed. 

1. Inquire about the preferences of the person being recommended regarding what they would like to have mentioned.

Many individuals will have a couple of matters they would want you to concentrate on.

2. Utilize descriptive words and modifiers.

These contribute diversity, influence, and sentiment. As an illustration:

  1. Work ethic: careful, enthusiastic, detailed, reliable, proactive, efficient.
  2. Leadership: inspiring, motivating, charming, trustworthy, convincing, patient.
  3. Teamwork: reliable, flexible, inclusive, diplomatic, responsive, cohesive.
  4. Personality: calm, lively, passionate, lively, stable, balanced.‍

The majority of these can be transformed into adverbs by adding the suffix ‘–ly’ (for example, painstakingly, passionately).

3. Utilize artificial intelligence to gather your ideas – then personalize it.

Similar to crafting your own LinkedIn biography, you may utilize AI to simplify and expedite the process of creating a LinkedIn endorsement. Utilize a tool such as Wordune to arrange your ideas by initially jotting them down in bullet points. Next, work along with the AI to modify the style and transform them into a cohesive paragraph. Using Wordtune, for instance, just click on the Create button, input your bullet points from the five steps mentioned earlier, then click on the purple arrow button to produce a paragraph. If the initial length is excessive, there's no need to be concerned — you can utilize the Shorten function to create a more succinct suggestion.

4. Make sure your writing is brief.  

Similar to a well-crafted LinkedIn article, a strong LinkedIn recommendation is concise and focused. Try to write approximately 60-80 words or six to eight sentences.

Stick to basic sentence forms and employ the active voice.

Utilize powerful verbs, such as "pioneer" instead of "start a new initiative" or "champion" instead of "lend support to."

Ultimately, have faith in your writing. Instead of saying, "I personally feel that Jennifer is one of the best managers I could have met," confidently state: "Jennifer is an excellent manager."

‍Helpful suggestion: If you struggle with writing succinctly, utilize an AI writing tool such as Wordtune. Write as you usually would, then choose the text and click "Shorten."

5. Refrain from using specialized terminology and technical terms.

Unless the tools or procedures your colleague utilized are necessary for conveying your shared experience, exclude them. You don't want to perplex readers who are not acquainted with specific abbreviations or specialized terminology.

Concentrate on your individual encounter of collaborating with them — not on their employment details.

Examples for coworkers, staff, customers, and others

Here are a few LinkedIn recommendation examples that can serve as inspiration.

LinkedIn recommendation for an employee

Jennifer is an exceptional Marketing Specialist. I got the opportunity to be Jennifer's manager for three years at XYZ Corp. In her professional capacity, Jennifer regularly displayed extensive understanding of the product and a skill for converting intricate concepts into practical marketing plans. Personally, I always admired her passion and cheerful energy, which had a positive effect on the team. Those seeking a knowledgeable and enthusiastic marketer should not overlook the opportunity to collaborate with Jennifer.

LinkedIn recommendation for a colleague: Rajiv is a highly skilled Data Scientist. We worked together on many projects for four years at Acme. His ability to analyze and develop useful conclusions from large amounts of data was very impressive. However, in addition to the numerical data, Rajiv's honest feedback and cleverness always made brainstorming sessions with him highly productive and entertaining.I would eagerly seize any chance to work together with Rajiv once more and I encourage others to do likewise.

LinkedIn endorsement for a supervisor

Lucia is a dedicated leader and perceptive Sales Director. As a Sales Associate, I worked under Lucia's direct supervision for more than five years. She has a natural talent for understanding the whole situation and consistently directed us, her staff, towards long-term objectives with clear guidance. What impressed me the most about Lucia was her sincere concern for the professional development and welfare of her team. Any organization would be lucky to have Lucia in charge; I highly recommend her leadership.

LinkedIn endorsement for a client or partner

Alejandro possessed all the qualities we seek in a mate. My company collaborated closely with Alejandro on a strategic alliance that lasted for a duration of two years. In a professional context, Alejandro's ability to see things clearly and his willingness to embrace new ideas enabled us to achieve the highest level of teamwork. His honesty and direct communication were refreshing and made our working relationship smooth - not something every vendor can say about their clients. I anticipate further collaborations with Alejandro and encourage others to explore partnership possibilities with him.

LinkedIn recommendation for a mentor or professor

Dr. Suleiman is an exceptional acquaintance and guide. I had the privilege of working under Amina's guidance during my postgraduate studies at the University of Toronto. Her extensive understanding of the subject and systematic approach to investigation played a crucial role in influencing my academic path. Outside of academia, Amina's knowledge, calmness, and advice have had a long-lasting effect on both my personal and professional life. Her future students are in capable hands.


You can utilize a straightforward, five-step method to compose distinctive, captivating LinkedIn endorsements in a short amount of time. Make your recommendations concise and straightforward, and use descriptive words to vividly portray them. AI solutions such as Wordtune can assist you in making connections and transforming bullet points into written text. 

Commonly asked questions

Do LinkedIn recommendations hold significance?

Certainly, affirmative! Referrals from employers and coworkers are among the most powerful endorsements you may seek when searching for new employment. If you lack any on your LinkedIn profile, kindly request those you have collaborated with if they would be willing to offer one — and you may reciprocate by writing one in return. Share this post with them to expedite and simplify the process for them. 

What is the process for composing a LinkedIn recommendation?

To write a new LinkedIn recommendation, go to the profile of someone you are linked with, scroll down to the Recommendations area, and click the "Recommend X" button. Choose your connection, the job of the person you are recommending, and follow the provided instructions to compose your recommendation. 

What should I write in a LinkedIn recommendation?

Begin by clearly stating the type of employment that they hold (e.g. "enthusiastic sales representative"). Detail your connection ("I collaborated with X while..."). Include a trait related to professionalism ("ability to focus on details resulted in workflow enhancements"), a trait related to personal qualities ("always had a positive impact on our mood, even on gloomy days"), and conclude with a request for action ("strongly recommend collaborating with").

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